
Share the same home button and a common set of favourite links

The Tool which unites all your tools

The productivity tool with a change management dimension

To really start the change management cycle by supporting adoption you need to understand your users context, and support them with not only awareness of new way of doing what they are used to, but really ease the transition into something new.

No more adoption portals

For years everyone have been building portals and infographics explaining who things fit together. Now you can integrate that knowledge directly into the existing toolsets of your organisation.

Easy to understand icons in the right context

  • Give me easy access to a global starting point.
  • What is the most use full links here?
  • How may I access my daily used tools?
  • How can I get inspiration for new tools?
  • Where do I find the tools which I use less frequent?

We can host your cross platform set of toolbars

  1. Share a configuration across platforms
  2. The URL of the current pages is used to determine which sets of tools to show
  3. The source for each toolbar is maintained in 3 - a Universal set of icons, a Platform specific set of icons and a context specific set. All from 0 to xx depending on your needs.

We provide you with a configuration store and a store for your toolbars, including links, icons and corresponding rick text descriptions . Both configuration and toolbars are served through a global CDN operated by CloudFlare

As a part of the Enterprise plan you can get both configuration and toolbars stores in your own Azure Storage Account.

Get started

The shared configuration file is the hart.

Shared configuration


    "/* navigation */" : "Global navigation element",

    "navigation": "",

    "/* scripts */ " : "Global script references",  

    "scripts": {

        "/* boot */ " : "Boot straping reference",

        "boot": ""


    "toolbars": {

        "global": {

            "published": "",

            "editor": ""



    "rules": [{

        "path": "",

        "toolbar": ""





need some text here ....

SharePoint Online

need some text here ....

Existing intranet

need some text here ....

Client integration

Google Chrome Add-In